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Application to Exhibit in the WJB Gallery

  • (For Student applicants Only)
  • (For Student applicants Only)
  • ( Please select multiple departments for cross-disciplinary proposals )
  • Ex. Undergraduate, Graduate, Staff, Faculty
  • We will use this title for the WJB website and signage, unless you provide other info during installation.
  • The WJB Gallery committee typically considers proposals in the spring for the following academic year. Please give us a sense of when you'd like to present your project in the gallery, and we will make reasonable attempts to fit your preferred schedule. If you are interested in requesting the space more than one year in advance, please note that here. The WJB Gallery committee cannot guarantee we can accommodate scheduling requests, but reasonable attempts will be made.
  • The WJB Gallery committee may use this text in promoting your exhibition.
  • Please include artists, curators, performers, exhibition designers, graphic designers, etc. The WJB Gallery committee will give preference to projects that emphasize student research and creativity.
  • These may include funds provided by a department, artwork loaned by artists or a collection, or the help of other contributors.
  • The WJB Gallery is generally open to the public during regular business hours, but not staffed.
  • Ex. televisions, projectors, iPads, speakers etc...
  • A small budget for the printing of marketing materials, gallery signage, and other exhibition considerations is available for every exhibition at the WJB Gallery. You will be responsible for providing explanatory texts, high quality images for marketing, and basic information about the exhibited works. This information must be provided to the WJB Gallery committee at least one month prior to your exhibition.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.